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What Do You Know About Water?

Plastic Water Bottle


We constantly stress the importance of drinking water throughout the day. Hydration is one of the most important factors in feeling healthy, having energy and maintaining fantastic skin and hair. Your body needs water to survive. But did you know that the world’s supply of this necessary liquid could soon run out?

Over 70 percent of our Earth’s surface is covered by water, according to the website Global Change. The supply of water on Earth seems abundant. However, 2.5 percent of the water you see is actually fresh water, but only about 1 percent is directly available to humans. This is the water that comes from lakes and rivers and it’s replenished by snowfall and rain.

In many third-world countries, water is a precious and scarce commodity. According to Do Something, approximately 884 million people in the world lack access to safe water. An astounding 840,000 people die each year from water-related diseases and illnesses.

These statistics are alarming and may seem “too big” for us to alleviate. But since we all dip into the world’s water supply, we can all do something to preserve it. Your habits may seem insignificant, but take a good, hard look at your water bill the next time it arrives. How many gallons are you using on average? What is “average” to you would be plentiful to someone in an impoverished country.

Water is essential for hydration, hygiene, sanitation and daily survival.


What can you do to help ease the water crisis?

  • Appreciate your drinking water. This may sound obvious, but truly think about how many times you waste water that could be used throughout each day. Do you leave bottles around and forget about them, only to dump the water down the drain after they’ve been sitting out? Rethink your habits and notice the amount of water - and money! - you can save. Better yet, use a Glasstic water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day without purchasing and tossing water bottles.

  • Fix that drip. According to the website Tree Hugger, a dripping faucet can waste up to 20 gallons of water per day. Rather than letting the problem go and facing an annoying, leaky faucet, fix it right away.

  • Use what you need. Break bad habits such as leaving the water running while you’re brushing your teeth or taking longer showers than truly necessary.

  • Keep your eyes open and report what you see. If you see a broken pipe while driving, report it immediately so that it can be fixed and doesn’t cause further issues.